Ensuring Everyone Has a Seat at the Table

Bob Higdon ’62

“I was not a stellar student,” said Bob Higdon ’62 with a smile that makes you think he might have devoted a good part of his college efforts toward extracurricular activities. “I was OK, but no one was offering me scholarships.” As UD donors, Bob and his wife, Merle, noticed that a lot of assistance already exists for students with financial needs or the academically gifted—but what about those students who are not eligible for either?

The Higdons wanted to ensure that every Flyer benefits from having all walks of life contributing to the full UD experience, so they set up the Robert B. and Merle A. Higdon Endowed Presidential Scholarship with a bequest gift in their trust to support students with average GPAs and income. “We want to make sure that the students in the middle don’t fall through the cracks,” said Bob. And, in the years to come as more middle-income students receive the Higdons’ scholarship, their legacy will ensure everyone has a seat at the table.

Did you know that one of the easiest ways to help future Flyers soar is to include a charitable gift in your will or living trust? Don’t have a will? You can create a plan using our new, completely free and exclusive tool for UD alumni and friends. Get started now!